The former NBA player was in his VIP booth at Bootsy Bellows night club when he collapsed around 2 am.

Memorial Day Weekend has come and gone, but one refreshing thing that it ushers in is the unofficial start to summer. And we all know what summer is about-weekend trips to the beach, barbeques and the first major pool parties of the season. Must Read: CHICK CHAT: I’m A 27-Year-Old Party Pooper Things can get […]

Don’t let the miserable morning afters keep you from having an awesome time this summer. With so much available, why miss out on any of the fun opportunities? So go ahead, sing your heart out at karaoke night.  Or show off your talents at trivia night at the local bar.  But when your alarm starts […]

Awhile back, New York Times writer Paul Clarke said he thought it is good to drink around your kids as a parenting tactic because it teaches them moderation. Of course, Mr. Clarke is the Times’ alcohol beat writer, so I’m guessing he’s bound to come down on the “pro-drinking” side of many an argument. Me, […]

(From the NY Times) Dieters are often advised to stop drinking alcohol to avoid the extra calories lurking in a glass of wine or a favorite cocktail. But new research suggests that women who regularly consume moderate amounts of alcohol are less likely to gain weight than nondrinkers and are at lower risk for obesity.