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Running is a great way to tone your body, boost your cardiovascular system and relieve stress. But training for an event run, whether it be two miles or five, isn’t easy. It requires dedication, hours of training every week, and a positive attitude. If you are feeling flat on your runs or are simply interested in some tried and true tips to keep you motivated, keep reading – then refer back to this list of running tips throughout your training for race day.

1: Slow and steady…

It takes a long time to train for (and pull off) a run successfully – could be weeks or even months. So don’t immediately jump into a training program – do some research first and read suggested plans at sites like Runners World. Start at a slow pace, low mileage, and work your way up. You’ll not only prevent injury, you’ll also build a solid running foundation so your body can adeptly handle the stresses and strains of running.

What to eat after a workout.

2: Buy proper running shoes

It’s important to invest in a proper pair of runners. Stop by a professional running store to get an expert fit. Your ankles, legs and body will thank you. And your running form will improve exponentially as a result.

3: Know when to stop

Your body will tell you when it’s done working out. You may feel light-headed, winded or even exhausted. You could even feel pain in your joints or muscles. Learn to recognize these signs and if you feel like you’re pushing it, slow down or stop. There’s nothing wrong with taking a break.

Click here for more tips.


Want to lose weight? Click here to read 10 steps to weight loss.

For 2024’s iteration of MadameNoire and HelloBeautiful’s annual series Women to Know, we knew we wanted to celebrate the people who help make the joys of film and television possible. To create art is to create magic. This year, we spotlight Hollywood Executive’s changing the face of cinema.