It’s possible that sometimes, all you need is a little pushing. Life can be strenuous and unpredictable at times, but in order to truly appreciate what the outside world has to offer, you have to give yourself a mental boost. Maybe you’re overtired and everything seems worse than it is. Perhaps you know what you […]

It can be easy to get caught up in the stress of every day life, even in the summer. Maybe your family is driving you crazy or your work is strenuous, even during the warm months. It can be hard to anticipate a vacation when you still have so much on your plate, even if […]

If you’re like us and work on a computer all day, you’re already familiar with the following scenario: You’re desperately trying to get through your work before the end of the day but by 2pm the mid-afternoon slump starts to set in.Here are 7 tips to reboot your mental engines to re-motivate yourself to end […]

I feel an immense sense of freedom. Want to know my secret? I just let go…. That’s it, I let go! I stopped fighting against the current and let the stream of life just flow. I became aware and open to the synchronicities that the universe has in store. My First   A-Ha! moment: A few […]

Are you feeling sluggish in the mornings? Do you dread hearing the alarm clock going off? Here are some tried-and-true instant energy boosters that will lift and restore your mind from 1. DRINK WATER Dehydration causes fatigue, so stay hydrated to stay bright-eyed. Caffeine can jump start your motor, but you don’t want to […]

14 Ways To Boost Your Energy You shouldn’t be feeling exhausted every day. The truth is that our habits and and environment zap our energy and leave us feeling tired on a daily basis. Here’s some ways you can increase your energy levels. 1. Exercise Working out at least 30 minutes every day can help […]

If you have kids, you want to make sure they grow up fit and healthy. But you also know it’s hard to juggle work, family, and physical activity-for you alone, never mind for you and your kids. Setting a healthy example is a good start; research shows that parents who are physically active increase the […]

I feel an immense sense of freedom. Want to know my secret? I just let go…. That’s it, I let go! I stopped fighting against the current and let the stream of life just flow. I became aware and open to the synchronicities that the universe has in store.