
Michelle Obama’s been fighting against childhood obesity since her hubby, President Obama was elected into office in 2008. Even though many Americans gush over the beautiful FLOTUS, her obesity battle has received criticisms from conservatives and various other groups. The latest group to join the caravan? An entire troop of students in Kansas. Must Read: […]

On ABC “This Week” George Stephanopoulos invited Ann Coulter–-the queen of controversy– to delve into the comment she made in her book that pretty much claimed that Black people are the only people that have Civil Rights. Here’s the actual quote of what Coulter said: “Various groups [including] gay rights groups, those defending immigrants and […]

Blame (or thank) Lena Dunham for inciting what feels like a recent onslaught of feminist writing tackling the complexities of singleness, fertility and prolonged adolescence.  The feminist–or post-feminist–communities seem to be torn on whether to embrace or shun Dunham’s depictions of young women today as entitled party girls who accidentally smoke crack, dabble in anal […]


I remember the first time I met Ernest Green, the first to graduate Central High School of the Little Rock Nine–that group of students who made school integration in America a moment of historical and democratic note.   I learned about him watching a Disney movie, as a 10 year-old, which effortlessly offered more depth […]

Mitt Romney’s been having a couple of bad days in his presidential campaign. The Republican candidate has had harsh political critics go in on his lack of tact with some of his notable quotables like–“I like being able to fire people,” “Corporations are people, my friend,” and remember the time he told college students to […]

A week ago, 28-year-old Erika Dungee (pictured second from left) decided to respond to Beyonce Knowle‘s (pictured far right) e-mail, asking President Barack Obama (pictured…

Following a campaign speech in Woodbridge, Virginia, President Barack Obama called into the EZ Street Show on Friday afternoon to talk about voting, DC Sports, Jay-Z and if we will ever see Michelle Obama run for office. Must Read: What Tax Bracket Am I In? I know I’ve always entertained fantasies of our First Lady […]

Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign has been laughable to me, to say the least. He’s the candidate for the rich and anyone that’s not in his tax bracket (like me) has nothing to gain from the Republican who think he’s Mexican. Must Read: Katy Perry & Barack Obama: ‘Firework’ Singer Set To Perform At 30 Days […]

Admittedly, I am not a political genius. I know the bare bones. Matter of fact, I only pay attention to the superficially political pop culture stories. I avoid political conversations at all costs. Here are my surface-level opinions: President Barack Obama is ridiculously charismatic. Michelle Obama’s arms are fantastic and she represents who and what […]

For the last seven days, teachers and students of Chicago Public Schools have been out of school, while the teachers union waited to see if their demands for better education for students was taken seriously. While students may have been thrilled about an unexpected seven day holiday, teachers were busy picketing for better resources for […]

Kato Kaelin’s name may ring a bell to you if you followed the O.J. Simpson trial in the late 90’s. (In case you are too young to remember, O.J. was found not guilty of the murder of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown-Simpson and her friend Donald Goldman.) Must Read: Arizona Woman Accused Of Having Sex With […]

It was a Friday night in Detroit. (I know, just keep reading) Me and the homie decided to take in a bit of the nightlife in ‘the D’. (I KNOW! Just stay with me on this one) So, there I was.  Standing in the middle of a packed “club” (in my head I just used […]