
“I’m not trying to be ’slutty,’” said Cyrus in a recent interview. “I’m not trying to be like, go to the club and get a bunch of guys …

AHHHH….you’re engaged. You’ve got the ring, the latest wedding magazines and a wedding planning organizer. You’re ready. Now, it’s time to select your wedding colors. What do you choose? Different shades of ivory? Your sorority colors? Your college school colors? A pastel with a silver or gold color to compliment it?

In nonsense law suits news, The Center For Science in Public interest has drummed up a B.S. law suit against McDonalds for manipulating kids into wanting to buy Happy Meals because of their toys. “McDonald’s marketing has the effect of conscripting America’s children into an unpaid drone army of word-of-mouth marketers, causing them to nag […]

Have you ever been in an area of your city and was unable to communicate with its residents due to a language barrier? You remember the frustration you felt?

I recently read a blog from Popular Science that claimed birth order could explain relationship compatibility. Prone to wanting to keep my mind as open as possible, I found some interesting truths behind the blogger’s descriptions. My focus remained on personality types until I discovered some fascinating research into the connection between birth order and […]

In troubled times, many Americans have considered relocating their families to places in the country with greater opportunities. If you’re a parent, finding a safe, warm location for your children to grow and prosper is certainly a huge priority. We’ve reviewed some lists and compiled our own:

Toni Braxton sat down with MoShay Lauren at Soul Beach 2010 in Aruba a few weeks ago and talked about everything from performing in in Las Vegas and being diagnosed with microvascular angina, to her son's autism and that infamous on-stage kiss with Trey Songz. Watch our exclusive interview!

The kids are home for the summer and are you wondering what to do? They need to stay busy and you need peace of mind. Here are some great activities to keep them occupied and some for you too!

The release of last month's employment data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that black teen unemployment was at 38 per cent of the participating labor force of this demographic. This is particularly concerning as we enter the summer months where teens are easily distracted by external influences and a lack of school responsibilities. So what can you do to keep your teen out of trouble? This is what we think:

Summer has arrived and it’s time for you to be seen. If you haven’t already made the switch from spring to summer fashion you’re probably in need of a range of changes, such as some serious swimsuit styling or a new pair of bikini heels. But don’t forget that, when your self-confidence means everything, summer […]

What if your child went missing, but news of this terrifying event was only covered on local news stations, despite similarities to another case on national TV? It’s horrible to think of any child going missing, especially when they’re young and could be in grave danger.

Should a child’s choice of shampoo really be a factor in their education? Ask Charles Mudede, who’s 8-year-old daughter was moved from an honors elementary school class due to the teacher feeling nauseous from the child’s olive oil based hair product. The child was allegedly brought outside the classroom and eventually moved to a different […]