

Stephanie Kurlow,14, is a Muslim ballerina in Sydney, Australia.The teen wants to be the first professional ballerina to perform in a hijab

DoNotUse-1, ThinkBeautiful

Food and beverage manufacture Nestlé admitted that they use slave laborers from Thailand and The Ivory Coast to harvest their products.

'Empire' star Jussie Smollett believes love has no orientation. The actor and activist is a proud gay man but shares that love is powerful enough to make him fall for a woman.

The state of Georgia will put the death its oldest inmate in connection with a murder he committed in 1979. Brandon Astor Jones, 72, killed a convenience store manager in an Atlanta suburb in a botched robbery is set to be executed 7 p.m. Tuesday (Feb. 2).

The Super Bowl just got even more fabulous with the announcement Lady Gaga will be performing the National Anthem at the Levi’s Stadium on Sunday when the Carolina Panthers face off against the Denver Broncos. We’re expecting Gaga to wheel her piano on the turf while sparkling in diamonds and drinking virgin blood. It’s going […]

Just when we thought Drake couldn’t get any sexier, our bearded BAE showed off his funny side in T-Mobile’s 30 second Super Bowl ad. The clever commercial recreates Drizzy’s ubiquitous “Hotline Bling” video with the remixed title “Restricted Bling.” It’s not like we’re ever going to switch to T-Mobile, but thanks for the eye candy! […]

In case your wondering how the selfie that broke the Internet came about, Kim initiated it.

The Kardashian’s are reportedly pissed off their brother is dating the family enemy Blac Chyna, but he seems happier in recent days than he’s been in years. We hate to say it (not really), but Blac Chyna’s lady humps have resurrected Rob Kardahian from the Internet hole he’s been hiding in and breathed new life […]

The only woman of color to win the Academy Award for Best Actress speaks out.

"RHOA" star Peter Thomas may be charged with assault after Brandon Patrick Link claimed they fought at Thomas' bar, SportsOne.