
5. Kids Love To Move Like Animals

The creativity involved in kid friendly yoga classes will most likely be the driving force that causes your mini to roll out their mat time and time again. By ditching the traditional Sanskrit names and opting for more generic animal specific terms your child will love flowing from downward dog, to cat and then cow. Their ripe imaginations will also appreciate how some children’s yoga classes are framed as adventures. For instance, one day they may go on a “Jungle Safari” or a “Trip The Beach” all in attempt to incorporate self expression, creativity and playful fun.

6. Prolong Their Ability For Flexibility

And while they are having so much fun, they’ll also be instantly prolonging a gift that they were naturally born with – flexibility. Combine this with the fact that various poses like Warrior 1 and 2 assist in developing strength in their growing bodies and we have a winner yall. So what’s the gain? Optimal strength and flexibility – both which allow for fewer and less-severe injuries. This is golden in a time when kids are engaged in sports, playground activity, or even everyday rough housing.

7. Bye Bye Temper Tantrums

If your toddler’s terrible twos have extended into their pre-k days yoga may help them manage their stress a little bit better. Like all physical activities yoga releases feel good endorphins. Couple this with the breathing exercises and relaxation techniques that yoga provides and your little youngster will be tapping into their zen before you know it.

8. Yoga is R-A-D for ADHD

While yoga is beneficial for children of all ages, it has been found to be particularly so for kids with special needs. Studies have shown that the yoga benefits for children with autism and ADHD is worth exploring. In fact, Autism Key, an autism support website, says that yoga helps address kids’ heightened anxiety, poor motor coordination, and weak self-regulation – all which are things that are otherwise very difficult to achieve for special needs children.

9. Take Time Out For Thanks

The act of practicing poses encourages children to clear their minds and focus on the effort. However another layer that can help round out your child’s mini mind body practice is meditation. Since yoga teaches non-judgment and non-competition toward oneself and one another starting and ending their practice with inspirational messages or positive reflections is a nice step towards an “attitude of gratitude.”

10. It’s Eco-Friendly To Downward Dog

Last but not least, while it may be easier and less expensive to make a mat that isn’t 100% recyclable, Manduka (like most kids today) is on their eco-friendly flow. I mean yoga is all about doing well for yourself and the world you live in, so why not add some icing to your yogi cake and do something RAD for the environment too. Plus this is also Manduka’s first printed mat with animal design, so bring on those down-dogs, cat-cows and camel flow poses already! You can check out their RAD mats here.

Robbie Ann Darby (RAD Experience) is a professional FitGirl, Group Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer in NYC. Follow her sweaty life on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for more fun health and fitness tips!


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