It’s that time of the year again. I love Easter time–from the pastel colors and pretty dresses to Easter egg hunts and the infamous bunny. When I was growing up, my mom always went all out for Easter. We would wake up to huge Easter egg baskets and breakfast. Then we would go to church, […]

HelloGrind, Mommy Beautiful

In this day in age with the obsessive use of computers, iPads and cellphones, the public library seems to have fallen by the wayside. My daughter and I are frequent visitors at the public library. The public library has so many free learning opportunities for children. The library in our neighborhood has free story times, […]

HelloGrind, Mommy Beautiful

Going out to eat with your little one isn’t always an easy task. Some places aren’t as kid- friendly as we would like. I have three great places that I like to take my daughter that I think might help relieve some of the stress of feeding your tiny picky eater. Chick-fil-A Chick-fil-A has two […]

HelloGrind, Mommy Beautiful

Becoming a mother is joyful and scary all at the same time. When I found out I was pregnant, I was excited and scared! There was so much to learn that I felt so overwhelmed. What I learned is that pregnancy was the easy part. Go figure! When you actually have the baby, you have […]

As mothers, wives, sisters and career women, we tend to always rush through everything just to get it done! We forget that sometimes the roles we play are only a part of who we really are. I go through life and sometimes forget to slow down. We start out as girls, grow into women. Then […]

It’s hard to teach our kids that we mean business when we say no to their requests. I am finding it increasingly difficult to teach her that when I tell her no, that no actually means no. I find myself saying it over and over again until she finally understands. For example, right before bed […]

It is not very often that my husband and I get a night to ourselves. Between our jobs, our child, school and everything in between, it’s not always easy to schedule a night out. Well, we finally did it! Thank goodness we did because I think I probably of went insane! We didn’t do anything […]

Alicia Silverstone–remember her? Cher from Clueless. Well, she posted a video of herself feeding her baby, Bear in a very interesting way. Now don’t get me wrong, my mom definitely used to chew up certain foods for me and my siblings once we were old enough for solid foods, but couldn’t quite chew it ourselves. […]

Birthdays are such a special time in our children’s lives. They get so excited for their special day and so do we. Every day is a blessing. As I watch my daughter grow up and with the passing of each birthday it amazes me how much she has grown but also how much I have […]

Recently my daughter has been on this crying kick. Anytime she doesn’t get what she wants she starts to cry. This is new to me. She never really was a crier, but I noticed as she gets older, she definitely knows what she wants and if she doesn’t get it she’s not a happy camper. […]

Wow, mastering time out is no joke!  As your kids get older you realize more and more that they are not going to listen to you. So, what do you do? Well I think there is more than one way to discipline your children and every parent has their own unique way. I recently have […]

It’s no surprise that parents love to post pictures of their children on Facebook. I must admit I am no stranger to this. On occasion, I post some of my favorite pictures of my daughter on Facebook that I just can’t help but share. Kitten Found In Engine After Ride To Santa Cruz, Calif. However, […]