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The post-grad job search can be daunting, but these tips from our in-house career expert will help the process.


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DoNotUse-1, Most Recent, ThinkBeautiful

Wondering why you're not getting ahead? Keep reading.

ThinkBeautiful analyzed which side of the coutnry has the unhappiest workers.

Long gone are the days of employees staying at a company for 30+ years. Though many of our parents were able to maintain long-term success and stability on their jobs up to retirement, I have noticed that many of my peers and colleagues have been employed by up to four different companies since graduating. This […]

The use of social media in today’s working environment is almost a necessity to stay on top of up to-date trends, potential jobs and effective networking. LinkedIn, a social media engine utilized particularly for networking professionals, provides great benefits for its users and members. Must Read: Join Our #GetRightGetTight Fitness Challenge! This hub is full […]


Employment discrimination is present on many levels within the work environment, specifically due to race, color, religion, national origin and gender. However, legislation such as Title VII–the portion of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which protects an individual from employment discrimination based upon those factors–was enacted to prevent such unfair practices that were once […]

Are you looking to get on the fast track to success? Tired of your day-to-day doldrums in your current job? Here’s how to put out your feelers, amp up your skills, and meet the right people so when the time comes to move on, you’re more than ready: GET SPECIFIC The most low-risk way to […]

It’s no secret times are hard and for most recent graduates getting a job is harder than expected. For many, getting a job you love feels damn near impossible. A recent Forbes article attributes a burn out trend among young women to a lack of initial self-reflection and notes that many of us didn’t “think of our […]

I don’t know what’s worse, arguing with a colleague or a significant other. They both come with a huge plate of stress, served with annoyance and grief.  But while they are both a pain,  it’s clear which one can directly affect your performance and career trajectory.  Most work conflict isn’t due to personality clashes but […]

Are you looking to get on the fast track to success? Tired of your day-to-day doldrums in your current job? Here’s how to put out your feelers, amp up your skills, and meet the right people so when the time comes to move on, you’re more than ready: GET SPECIFIC The most low-risk way to […]

Let’s face it, most of us are barely getting by on what we bring home at the end of the week. For those of us who are fortunate enough to still have a job, the paycheck is just not cutting it and some of us need to find extra work to make ends meet. Here […]