Scientists have got closer to a birth control pill for men, and it's going to be a game changer.

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Any woman who is or has been on birth control knows that there are some potential risks and side effects that can come along with the drug. Generally, those risks are minimal, but when you’re in that unfortunate 2%, things can get really bad. A 26-year-old woman suffered a stroke due to her birth control […]

A new survey of 50 women seeking abortions from the Guttmacher Institute revealed that women think magic keeps them from getting pregnant. No, really. According to the study, more than half (52%) of unintended pregnancies in the United States occur among the 10.7% of women using no contraceptive method. Yes, you read that right. More […]

According to The Grio, the Obama administration decided to go along with a judge’s order to allow girls of any age to purchase emergency contraception without prescriptions. However, the health of the young women taking these birth control pills is bring questioned. Must Read: Top 50 Natural Hair Products For Black Hair Personally, as a […]

Guys, would you take a birth control pill? Ladies, would you trust your man to take the pill consistently? Scientists in Israel say they have developed just that.  The pill would be taken by men once every three months and is said to deactivate sperm before it reaches the womb.