Motherhood is something that takes experience to actually learn. Thankfully there are tons of moms out there that have provided tips online and I am obsessed with finding great websites out there for moms. Here are my top 10 right now. Enjoy! LIKE HelloBeautiful On Facebook To Keep Up With MommyBeautiful! 1. – You […]

I recently listened to this show on NPR hosted by Michel Martin called Fathers’ Need to Step Up’ For Black Daughters. This was a really interesting discussion between the filmmaker Jacks Morton who produced, Dear Daddy, Jonetta Rose Barras and authored Whatever Happened to Daddy’s Little Girl? and Jasmine Bowden–one of the young ladies who […]

Facebook is currently looking at ways to expand their audience and their profits since they went public last month. Facebook currently bands children under the age of 13 to join the site, but Facebook states that there are children who are lying about their age. An estimated 7.5 million out of 900 million users worldwide are under […]

There is always a big debate among mothers about breastfeeding in public. Some think that it’s something that should be done behind closed doors and others think that it’s perfectly natural and acceptable to breastfeed in public. What do I think? Well, personally I find it offensive to some degree. I think that breastfeeding is such a […]

It’s not always easy finding someone to watch your children. My husband and I struggled with this a lot because when we had our daughter, we’d recently moved and didn’t live anywhere close to family nor did we have friends of family living near us. It was hard trusting anyone. Actually, we didn’t have a […]

My three year old recently started expressing that it was too dark in her room when I put her to bed. She never really had a fear of the dark until now. I thought it would be interesting to research how this fear even comes about and I found a great article on WebMD. They talk about […]

Let me be perfectly honest.  If you have a child over the age of two and they still have a pacifier, this article is for you! It’s time to say goodbye! My daughter is no stranger to the pacifier. She had one up until the age of one and a half but only because I […]

Monica and Brandy believe in breastfeeding, but their differing opinions in methods lead to a mini-breastfeeding debate. Is it acceptable to breastfeed in public, or should women do this in private? Find out exactly where Brandy and Monica stand, by checking out this exclusive interview on our sister site RELATED CONTENT: Brandy & Monica Take […]

Every family hits a bump in the road. Whether it is financial, medical or personal, adversity is always going to be a part of life. The current state of the economy has brought a lot of heartache to a lot of families across the country. LIKE HelloBeautiful On Facebook To Keep Up With MommyBeautiful! Many […]

Everyone has cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, etc. that they have not seen in awhile, I know I do. I started to think how nice it would be to have a family reunion. Sometimes it’s not always the easiest task to get all the family together, but it is so necessary. My family has attempted a […]

1. Granola Bars – These are super healthy and kids love them. My daughter probably eats two a day.  Hint: Purchase the chocolate chip ones. Kids love chocolate and they won’t even know they’re eating healthy! 2. Baby Carrots – Carrots are rich in antioxidants and minerals. I get the little baby ones as they are easier […]

I remember the first time I attempted to teach my daughter how to use the potty. For some reason, I thought that if I just switched her from diapers to underwear that should be automatically know how to use the potty. Ha! What was I thinking? She ended up going everywhere but the potty! Potty […]