
The correlation between your Facebook page and how it affects your employer’s perception of you has grown exponentially since the inception of social media years ago. The good news is most employees and candidates for employment have learned valuable lessons from horror stories of people getting fired or reprimanded due to inappropriate posts, whether personal […]

Dear Mr./Ms. Think Piece, Hi, its me Shenequa. We’ve met a few times. You may remember me from that piece I wrote when Beyonce’s new sultry image was under attack, or the time racist Halloween costumes appeared all over the Internet. If you don’t remember, no worries. It’s hard to keep track, you’re such a […]

Packing a lunch is not just something that is for grade school kids; grown-ups can brown bag it too! Bringing your lunch to work is one of the easiest ways to stay under budget, but eat what you want. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched my coworkers spend $10 everyday on lunch. […]

Recently, the federal appeals court of the 9th Circuit unanimously overturned a defamation judgment and award against a blogger, Crystal Cox, ruling that 1st Amendment protections allowed for traditional news media outlets also extend to individuals posting on the internet. In its decision, Judge Andrew D. Hurwitz wrote, “The protections of the 1st Amendment do […]

Every small business colleague and associate I know utilizes social media to further the promotion and visibility of their business. Whether it is Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or LinkedIn, I rarely encounter a business owner these days who does not have an account with one of these media platforms. While at a luncheon a couple of […]

The first month of the year is almost done. Be honest with yourself–have you kept up your resolution of eating healthy? It’s ok–I have admittedly slipped up more times than I care to count, but I am still dedicated to making a change to my diet. We all fall down, but we have to get […]

A recent Business Insider article discussing and highlighting Sabrina Parsons, CEO of Palo Alto Software since 2007, shed some light on another viewpoint from a woman in power on how to successfully be a woman and a leader in your company. As noted within the article, Mrs. Parsons does not view herself as an average […]

Valentine’s Day may be a trick for the greeting card industry to make money off of scrambling last-minute men who flock to their local drugstore, but it’s still a beautiful holiday worth celebrating. If you’re one half of a loving couple, then you should be planning a big celebration for you and your lover. Whether […]

Ingredients: Makes 6 servings 4 sesame seed hamburger bun tops 1 small red onion, divided 2 plum tomatoes 3/4 lb (350 g) 95% lean ground beef/turkey 1/2 cup (125 mL) sliced dill pickles 3/4 cup (175 mL) ketchup 1 tbsp (15 mL) yellow mustard 8 cups (2 L) thinly sliced romaine lettuce 1 cup (250 […]

Long gone are the days of employees staying at a company for 30+ years. Though many of our parents were able to maintain long-term success and stability on their jobs up to retirement, I have noticed that many of my peers and colleagues have been employed by up to four different companies since graduating. This […]