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The family of slain teenager, Hadiya Pendleton has been invited to the White House by Michelle Obama for Easter. According to the Chicago Sun Times, Cleopatra Cowley-Pendleton and her 10-year-old son Nathaniel Pendleton were invited to the annual White House Easter Egg Roll, held on April 1st. Must Read: We Remember Hadiya Pendleton Hadiya was […]

#TeamBeautiful has taken the time to gather these sensational news topics in your weekly cheat sheet, so that when you get into in-depth discussions this weekend, you’ve got something interesting to bring to the table. As always, you’re welcome.

In the wake of  The Onion’s unforgivable attack on Black girlhood, I’ve had the opportunity to interact with feminists who theorize that re-appropriating profane language removes its ability to inflict psychological damage. Though the conversation began with the word “cunt,” it quickly spiraled outward to include the all-purpose “bitch” and all the baggage that it […]

Michelle Obama hosted a Q&A on her Twitter account for her health initiative, “Let’s Move.” Today marks the third anniversary of the FLOTUS’ crusade against childhood obesity and as part of her celebration, she answered YOUR questions on her Twitter page. Twitter users loaded up their questions with the hashtag, #AskFLOTUS and it didn’t take […]

President Obama signed the Violence Against Women Act today and we couldn’t be more excited, as it’s been a long time coming! The House recently approved it and all we needed was the president’s signature and now we have it. President Obama proclaimed today, “a day of advocates” and “a day of the survivors.” Must […]

Freedom of Speech gave us the right to be heard, but social media has turned that right into a sense of devious entitlement. The attitude no longer is, I have to be heard, it’s I will be heard. Beneath the superficial, social media has provided the masses with a microphone and a stage to spew […]

“Girl Rising” is a new film that tells the stories of nine girls in countries from Haiti to Nepal, who fought for their chance to go to school in spite of extreme poverty, natural disasters and forced labor. Narrated by Hollywood heavyweights like Alicia Keys, Kerry Washington and Anna Hathaway, “Girls Rising” is an in-depth […]

Kevin Hart hosted “Saturday Night Live” over the weekend and in one of the funnier skits, he played the Oscar-nominated star of “Beasts Of The Southern Wild,” Quvenzhane Wallis. While I laughed at his portrayal of her infamous muscle-flexing move, I couldn’t help but think, “There goes another Black man searching for crossover success in […]

House Democrats have met with the Republicans and reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act. Now it’s up to President Obama to sign off on it. According to ABC News, the act will grant more than $650 million over five years to states and local governments to provide services such as transitional housing and legal advice […]

This week, we learned that there’s a chance that we could turn in our guns…for greatness. As in BEYONCE tickets for firearms. Ok, great. Now we want a gun! We also got the chance in revel in Diddy’s comeback, Kanye’s rants and what happens when you put a White model in blackface for an “African […]

Michelle Obama has chosen to respond to the critics who thought her appearance and presentation of Best Picture winner was uncalled for. Even though former first lady, Laura Bush appeared on the show via video in 2002 the same was Michelle did. It’s been reported that the FLOTUS’ appearance was “obscene” and she made it […]