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Winter nights are known for being cold, unsexy things—but that changes in 2017 thanks to Vivica Fox

The bi-racial actress admits, "I didn't have that many Black people in my life, so I had to sort of search them out."

The democratic nominee takes a 2.6 million popular vote lead over the president-elect.

New York firefighter Jason Stokes pleaded not guilty to arson charges earlier this week after being charged with setting fire to his own home back in August.

After a short hospital stint, the rapper reemerges in LA with a new hairdo.

“Attitudes about my presidency among whites in northern states are very different from whites in southern states,” POTUS told CNN.

Plus, Black woman named new head of the Huffington Post and Ohio bans abortions as early as six weeks past conception.

The "Jeffrey" rapper was upset that the ladies refused to be bribed and wouldn't let him on the plane.

One writer's struggle with overbearing relatives following the birth of her first baby.