
Voting is something you must do! It is not a choice. It is a responsibility. With the development of popular government comes the duty of…

Politics have been having the most ratchet week, month, maybe even year for quotes, ever. From Mitt Romney’s FEMA lies to Richard Mourdock’s rape being a gift from God comments, politicians haven’t been checking themselves before they wreck themselves. The latest to join in on the crazy talk is Massachusetts Legislative Candidate, Mike Connolly said […]

Halloween usually brings out the freaks and scantily clad women–whom we can also label freaks. Who knew it brought out the racists too? University of Florida students attended a party last week in blackface and posted photos, which of course, went viral. The frat students from Beta Theta Pi attended a party with the theme, […]

Republican Iowa Representative Steve King said in a debate against Democratic Representative Christie Vilsack that he didn’t want to sign off on Hurricane Sandy relief funds unless there is a specific plan in place on how the money will be spent. His exact and insulting words were: “Can you imagine in the middle of a […]

Whoopi Goldberg has been facing a ton of Twitter hate since Ann Romney and one of her sons appeared on “The View” last week. Goldberg asked Romney why hadn’t Mitt or any of the Romney men ever joined the military. Must Read: Top 5 Things Mitt Romney Was Thinking, But Couldn’t Say At The Debate […]

The physical altercation between pop princess Rihanna and R&B bad boy Chris Brown was the fight heard ’round the world. The two superstars lives changed dramatically after photos of a battered Rihanna spread all over the internet. Domestic violence is a conversation that’s never over and with October being Domestic Violence Month, there’s a buzz […]

Jay-Z is encouraging that we exercise our right to vote in this new PSA. Jay is a President Obama supporter and is asking everyone to do the same and go out and vote this upcoming election: When the president got into office initially, what he represented to a nation of kids was hope…the hope of […]

President Obama and the lovely Michelle Obama said that they would both vote early and it looks like the FLOTUS can cross voting off her growing to do list. The stunning FLOTUS smiled radiantly as she showed off her mail in ballot. I wonder who she voted for? wink Must Read: Obama Leads Among Early […]

It was the uppercut heard ’round the interwebs. Several popular blogs were all a buzz with the World Star video that was posted yesterday, showing an argument between a bus driver and a female passenger. The video opens in the midst of their disagreement and you can hear the video taker saying, “Girl, Nakia (sp?) […]