About Kovie Biakolo

Kovie Biakolo is A Nigerian-born third-culture kid. She believes in diversity in everything, from her writing to her taste in food, music, fashion, and people.

You can learn a lot from Serena Williams that has nothing to do with tennis.

The officer is seen throwing a young girl in a bikini down on the ground and sitting on top her back. This is truly one of the most disturbing and disgusting things you'll see today.

A racehorse named American Pharoah brought the country its first Triple Crown after 37 Years.

A few minor changes to your routine could make a world of difference to your health this summer.

Why are we not paying attention to the loss of life and destruction taking place in Accra, Ghana?

Legendary actor John Amos finally talks about his experience on Good Times and why he was fired.

As the old-saying goes: Follow the money. People did. And now we know the Red Cross's $500 million built 6 homes. People want answers.

It’s one of America’s greatest paradoxes that no matter how diverse we become, the discomfort people feel when talking about race is never appeased. In most parts of the country, you will see countless mixed-race couples and yet, the complicated nature of our country’s sordid racial past means many people still have that initial knee-jerk reaction to […]