About Charise Frazier

Charise Frazier is a multi-media journalist and a pop-culture news junkie who is passionate about making social change through writing.

"Barracoon" is the second work published after Hurston's death in 1960.

The former NBA all-star made his announcement during a live segment of "Inside The NBA" on Thursday.

After a long proverbial republican reign, the state of Alabama elected democrat Doug Jones over Roy Moore in a special election on Tuesday night. And in the same evening Black women–the undefeated kickstand of America, quietly strolled into polling centers across the Cotton State, maybe possessed by the spirits of the unnamed, underserved Black women […]

Police are investigating the scene after a reported pipe bomb detonated underground.

Shalon Irving, a successful epidemiologist at the CDC, left behind a grieving tribe of loved ones after her sudden and inexplicable death at the age of 36. Sharon, the last remaining child of her parents, Wanda and Samuel Irving, suffered from years of health complications, including uterine fibroids and high blood pressure, leaving behind her 11 -month-year-old […]

Slager was found guilty of second-degree murder and obstruction of justice. 

"I am just in awe of what God is able to do," Bottoms said to a crowd of her supporters on Tuesday night.

"With or without the NFL's platform, I will continue to work for the people," Kaepernick said during his acceptance speech.