Hellobeautiful Featured Video
TJ Maxx

Source: Getty

With protesters (mostly white) taking to the street with guns demanding that America open back up and thanks to pressure from Trump, states around the country are slowly opening back up, the worry for many has been with more than 1 million Americans diagnosed with the coronavirus, will this make the infection rate worse?

Or perhaps that worry isn’t serious enough.

With malls and retail shops reopening last week, pictures on social media recently resurfaced of shoppers in Arkansas crowding up local TJ Maxx store, with barely a mask in sight.

Take a look:

Minus the few women with masks, these people are literally breathing on top of each other.

Another Arkansas location (or the same one, it’s unknown), shows more people standing in line, not 6-feet-apart, waiting to be let into the store.

Here’s another one in an unknown location:

And another one in Raleigh:

On May 9, Ernie Herman, President and CEO of TJX Companies said in a statement that they in the midst of the crisis, they are prioritizing the health of their customers and employees. But how is allowing this many people in your stores, in a time where health experts are predicting that we could see an increase of 137,000 more deaths this month alone, putting people’s health first.

This is honestly, quite terrifying, and looks more like corporate greed than anything else.


I understand the desire to get the economy back and running and the feeling of being trapped inside the house, but is digging in discounted clothes, makeup bins and irregular shoes worth the risk of potentially dying over or infecting loved-ones over? Not one thing in that store can’t be bought online or waited for when it’s actually safer for everyone to leave their homes. Most importantly, why are we so selfish that our need to consume and buy crap we don’t need somehow takes precedent over the public’s health?

This virus is serious and deadly and seeing these images is beyond heartbreaking, because the consequences are our lives.


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