I’ve been sweating with my homeboy Joe for years and you should start hanging with my favorite workout partner too beauties. Coffee, also known as the healthy Red Bull, is a great way to rev thinks up in the gym and see results quicker. But here’s the deal, that Caramel Frap doesn’t count. So before […]

If it’s one thing everyone loves, it’s convenience and Barnie’s CoffeeKitchen Pronto! Coffee has managed to make coffee making such an easy process, you’d swear those long lines at Starbucks were just for show! Brewing coffee is like a ritual. Beans, filters, water, cream/milk, sugar and more if you’re a connoisseur with specific tastes. And […]

I’ll be the first to admit that I drink way too much coffee (this means, according to the National Coffee Association that I’m one of the 56% of American adults who regularly drink coffee). I get a Grande White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks every morning on the way to work and an iced coffee on […]