Reach for these items next time you’re feeling under pressure, under the weather, or just too close to that breaking point. Dried Apricots Apricots are rich in magnesium, which is a stress-buster and a natural muscle relaxant, as well. Spinach A deficiency in magnesium can cause migraine headaches and a feeling of fatigue. One cup […]

FROM BLACKDOCTOR.ORG: Putting in long hours at the office may help achieve satisfaction at your job, but a new body of evidence indicates that working 10 or 11 hours a day substantially increases the risk of serious heart problems, than those clocking out after seven hours.

A recent study shows that women who exercise while pregnant have a greater risk of pre-eclampsia, a blood-pressure-raising condition that can lead to stroke or death.

Heart disease, more than any other health threat, is the number one killer of African-American women.