Sex & Relationships

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You really like him, but you're questioning whether he's serious about you. Here ares some signs that he's not.

It's super obvious when a man wants to wife you. Here's how you know.

HelloGrind, Sex & Relationships

I thought I was doing myself a favor by going on the pill, but the side effect of a lower sex drive is really taking its toll.

It’s one of America’s greatest paradoxes that no matter how diverse we become, the discomfort people feel when talking about race is never appeased. In most parts of the country, you will see countless mixed-race couples and yet, the complicated nature of our country’s sordid racial past means many people still have that initial knee-jerk reaction to […]

We have all been there before. You know, those awkward, scary stages when you realize you're falling for someone hard.

Dating your ex isn't always the smartest idea. There's always a reason you broke up in the first place.

Cheating is a terrible, terrible thing. And yet and many of us have had a penchant for doing it. Some people believe it’s because we’re not meant to be monogamous. Others believe that our imperfect humanity is bound to make us weak from time to time. And indeed there are many excuses given: Not giving […]

The relationship I have with my mother is the most contentious, ambivalent relationship I have with anyone I know.

Miguel’s been with his girlfriend Nazanin Mandi for about 10 years, and he’s still not ready to marry her just yet. Happy couples have been dancing to his hit “Adorn” at their weddings since 2012, but it may be a while before it ever plays on his big day. The crooner revealed to Hot 97 […]