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Plus, Chicago to pay over $5 million in two police shootings suits and survey finds that Black And white Americans view historical events very differently.

In her final White House interview, FLOTUS told Oprah that the racist and sexist stereotype is deeply rooted in fear.

John R.K. Howard plead guilty to injury to a child and faces two to three years of probation—that's it.

The singer also discussed why her upcoming album is her favorite thus far and how she and her husband Vince want to have another baby.

Check out this EXCLUSIVE premiere of Bianca Bonnie's "Faith In These Brownskins."

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The demonstration, reportedly the largest protest surrounding Trump’s inauguration, is slated to take place on January 21, a day after he is sworn into office.

Yvette Brown talks to HelloBeautiful about being berated by her doctor and her pending lawsuit.

Alvin Ailey's new piece 'Deep' made its world premiere on stage this year.