
Over 30 troops will be on the ground by Friday to hand out water bottles, filters and testing kits to the homes of almost 100,000 residents.

Former child slaves who are waging the lawsuit claim they were overworked, underfed and even mutilated when they tried to run away.

Researchers looking at doctors' interactions with patients in Western Pennsylvania found that doctors were more compassionate towards Whites than Blacks.

Sander's public persona as the underdog may be the key of his success, as voters appear more curious about a newcomer that symbolizes change in establishment politics.

Despite Clinton's efforts, this latest episode in her campaign further illustrates that today's presidential candidates don't know how to talk about race in a way that will resonate with millennial voters.

This preventable issue can wreak permanent damage to a child's health and mental capabilities. It is also an issue that city authorities promised they would fix six years ago.

Rather than launch a missing persons investigation, Marlon Mitchell said that the local police shrugged off his daughter's disappearance as a runaway case.

If they refused to give sexual favors, the women were subject to dangerous living situations that put them at risk of electrocution, lack of heat and mold consumption.

An appeals court has paused the trial to finish deciding on whether another one of the five other officers that was involved with Gray's death will have to testify.

What exactly do our authorities in law enforcement and the judicial system have to hide?

Today the Chicago Tribune published a profile on LeGrier that dragged his character, implying that his checkered past warranted the police's use of excessive force.