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Kimberly Walker, a beauty guru-turned-filmmaker penned “Comeback Dad,” a new film about a woman, Nima Babineaux (Tatyana Ali) who has it all – she is an accomplished pianist who runs her own music school and is engaged to Spence (Brad James), a successful engineer who adores her. She has never recovered from her alcoholic father, Othell […]

Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. The only constants while striving as an entrepreneur are flexibility and instability, especially at the start-up phase. Many of those who choose this route have to wear so many hats all at once, it may prove to be too exhausting. You may have to serve as the […]

Business Insider published a list entitled, “The Sexiest Scientists Alive” and Black female scientist, Kyla McMullen noticed that the list lacked Black women and there were more than enough to feature at least a few. So she did something about it! McMullen took to her own blog to feature a list of 73 Black female […]

The importance of having an up-to-date resume has been stressed upon most of us since our senior year in high school. After all, the resume is perceived to be the golden ticket that assists you in landing the perfect job you have always dreamed of. Though a resume plays a very important role in the […]

On Monday, June 16, 2014, the United States Supreme Court agreed to hear arguments stemming from, and considering, threatening comments made on social media sites such as Facebook and whether or not they cross the line into criminal activity, or are considered classic forms of free speech. Recently, two lower courts ruled that Anthony Elonis […]

It is no secret that many people these days are just happy to have a job. As the nation seeks to fully recover from the economic meltdown that occurred years ago, the climate for new hires has not been as prosperous as it once was. Many college graduates are accepting positions well below the average […]

I have to remind myself constantly that my life as an entrepreneur does not necessarily afford me the same luxuries as some of my girlfriends who work full time 9-to-5 jobs. Though I enjoy the flexibility of being able to work on my own time, I often put in more hours completing tasks than would […]

There are many life-changing events and announcements that bring pure joy to most people. They include: the announcement of an impending graduation, birth of a baby and/or an engagement, etc. However, the most frequent source of joy shared amongst family, friends and social networks, as of late, has to do with the announcement of a […]

Based upon company policy and/or adherence to the Family and Medical Leave Act, most new mothers choose to take maternity leave from their respective jobs to care for and bond with their new bundle of joy. Some companies give paid leave, while others do not, which can seriously affect how much time and when/if a […]

As with most experiences in life, there is always a gift and a curse when working for a major corporation or at a large entity. One of the biggest issues to deal with when attempting to make improvements, changes and/or suggestions for continued success in your department, or in the company overall, is cutting through […]

It is no secret that work can be the catalyst for many stressors in our lives. Demanding work hours, toxic co-workers, environmental issues and work/life balance may all cause you to become physically, mentally and emotionally ill. SEE ALSO: Join Hundreds Of Black Bloggers In New York City For Blogging While Brown 2014! Most human resource […]