About Essence

Is it just me, or have you noticed it too? It seems like guys who are just okay have the longest checklist of dating criteria when it comes to their ideal woman. And I’m not talking about men who may just be average-looking but make up for their looks in other areas like career, sense […]

I can’t really give you a solid explanation because the reasons are many and range from everything to the way way they talk to their unintentional captivating presence when they hit the room, but I love hood boys. Must Read: 2012 SHINE AWARDS: Which Celeb Is Using Their Star Power Most Positively? As a teen […]

I’m the first to scream and shout, “Equal rights for all!” when it comes to debates regarding social injustice. I’m appalled and embarrassed that there are states in my country, you know, “the land of the free,” that have yet to legalize gay marriage. It infuriates me when I hear cases like CeCe McDonald’s: a […]

The holidays are always full of joy and good spirits as we come together with loved ones we don’t get the luxury of seeing regularly throughout the year. The aroma of sweet potato pies linger throughout the house, baby cousins who you haven’t met yet are passed around from arm to arm, conversations starting with, “You […]

A girlfriend of mine and I recently had a conversation about New Year’s party options, which led to another convo about New Year’s resolutions, which sparked another conversation about physical fitness (the point of this post.) I expressed to her that while I’m naturally thin due to Dad’s genetics, I’m sure my physical health could […]

An old boo of mine called around 1:00 AM Monday morning. It took a while for it to actually register who was calling when I saw the name because it’s been a few years since we actually had a conversation outside of occasional texts and tweets. Pleasantly surprised, I answered after realizing it was him. […]

Lately I don’t know what’s been up with me! I’ve just been in this weird place where I’ve lost all inspiration and lost all motivation to get up and find it. Two years ago, I moved to the Empire State with a wild fire, excited and anxious to pursue my dreams. I didn’t have a […]

I’ve always loved baby dolls and have had just about every one imaginable. As a child, I’d circle the ones I wanted in toy catalogs and submit the requests to my mother. Having the latest peeing, burping, talking, crying doll was a very serious matter. One year, there were no more Baby Sip & Slurps […]

We often hear, “Just because they make it in your size doesn’t mean you need to wear it.” A very true statement; however, most of the time it’s said, it’s in reference to a more curvy or plus size woman. And while I do agree that voluptuous women have wardrobe limitations, I wholeheartedly believe that […]

Like me, I’m sure many of you are beauties on a budget. While I enjoy certain luxuries of my New Jersey life, I definitely miss the affordable living of my Georgia roots. I pay almost double for a studio in Jersey than what I paid in Georgia for a two-bedroom apartment with a full kitchen, […]

“Live below your means so that you can be a blessing to someone else.” This, among other short quotes epitomizing selflessness often floated from my mother’s lips when I was a little girl. Growing up, service to others was a normal part of life. Wednesdays were spent at soup kitchen feeding the homeless. Must Read: […]

I’ve never really been the girl who took dating too seriously. I’m only 25 and prior to now, my main priority was having fun—and of course studying. There were only a few guys (two or three) I actually developed feelings for. While dating, I truly believed that I had genuine feelings for them. And maybe […]