About Kellee Terrell

Here's what we know: Champion or not, the Olympic gold medalist will be always a winner in our hearts!

Can #45's White House go one day without starting a dumpster fire? Apparently not.

Alt-Right leader Richard Spencer led a group of protesters that are against the city of Charlottesville removing a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee.

Mama O had some inspiring and sound advice for Agnes Scott College's Class of 2017.

A lawsuit against Los Angeles' Cedars-Sinai Medical Center claims that doctor neglect led to Kyira Dixon Johnson's death.

From juggling career and kids, worrying about raising them with good morals and the pressure of conceiving and breastfeeding, these famous mamas share their truth and advice.

Students have been suspended, banned from prom and kicked off after school sports for their preferred hairstyle.

The Oscar-nominee joins "American Horror Story" creator Ryan Murphy for this upcoming 13-episode drama.

More than 700,000 people are incarcerated each day because they cannot afford bail.