America’s $1 trillion student loan debt and astronomical tuition costs have caused many to weigh the heavy price of attending college. As for the young adults of the Millennial generation—the most educated generation ever, widespread under- and unemployment coupled with the Great Recession have some wishing for a do-over. However, a new Pew study titled, “The […]

There is nothing more overrated than the importance of socio-economic compatibility. It’s not so much the idea that if someone comes from a different background both socially and financially we can’t get along. It’s the idea that if we come from the same type of social and financial background we automatically will get along; that […]

When it comes down to what I am looking for in an ideal mate, I think it has less to do with their socioeconomic background and more to do with the skills, morals, values, and overall life plan developed as adults. However, I do think that socioeconomic background can have an effect on some of […]