In honor of Michelle Obama releasing the cover photo for her book "Becoming," we took a look at quotes from other powerful women on how they became who they are.

“That’s all it takes to be successful, is an attitude.” Boy aren’t those some words to live by. Apollos Hester, running back for the East View Patriots, gave the most incredible post-game interview of all time after his high school football team went on to defeat their opponents 42-41 following a slow first quarter game. […]

We may know Shonda Rhimes as the brilliant mastermind behind some of our favorite TV shows — “Grey’s Anatomy,” “Scandal,” and the upcoming “How To Get Away With Murder” — and, as she proved during her commencement speech at her alma mater Dartmouth College, she’s got some candid advice on how to get there…or closer […]

We’ve all had the growing pains of life. Some more than others. Check out these inspirational stories from BP users and from folks you may have heard of, such as Tyrese and Mario Armstrong. Think about where you are now in your life and the steps and adversity it took for you to get here. […]

I’m a quote person – one of those people who’s always looking for unique words of wisdom to describe her life. While most of the time, I’m one to create my own mantras, very often someone else has already said what I’m trying to express. Lines from books, movies, or even song lyrics can contain […]