
Pussy Riot released a video for their new song “I Can’t Breathe” and it’s uncomfortable, but immensely effective. The lyrics and visuals are in memory of Eric Garner‘s death, which became the catalyst against American injustice. However Pussy Riot believes Garner’s death was a part of a larger discussion of the issue that is “state terror.” “State […]

They might all be part of the thin blue line while on the clock, but Black officers worry about their own well-being when they’re off-duty. After speaking to 25 African-American male cops that work in the NYPD, Reuters reports that all but one of them had been racially profiled while not in uniform. The incidents […]

NBC wasn’t going to allow a few people demanding justice for Eric Garner spoil their fun on Wednesday night as they jammed out to Christmas carols in Rockefeller Center. Had you been watching NBC’s Christmas Tree Lightning last night, what you might have noticed aside from Mariah Carey floundering on stage is that the network […]