Are you headed back to the gym after an eleven month hiatus? No judgement. Well, I know the treadmill might have been your bestie way back then, however as a full-time gym rat I am here to tell you that things have certainly changed on the gym floor hun. Must Read: Join Us On Our […]

If you dread cardio or can’t seem to make it to your favorite cardio-based group fitness class each week, then I have a solution for you FitGirl! Stop avoiding the dread-mill and spin yourself to healthy on your own terms with the Cardio Star series of audio workouts by Motion Traxx. Must Read: Why This […]

(From Who doesn’t want a flat, firm sexy stomach, especially as summer gets closer and closer? What busy woman and mom doesn’t want to lose stomach fat and finally feel good wearing her swimsuit or tight tank top and skinny jeans?

(From Many people do some form of aerobic exercise. Some get results, and some don’t. One article can’t possibly begin to explore the depth of this huge topic, but here are some key factors to keep in mind when you do cardio.

Tired of the treadmill? Tone up with a dancing workout that’ll target key trouble spots like your abs and thighs–all while burning anywhere from 300 to 400 calories per hour (or more, depending on the tempo).

(From 1. Get Going, Get Cardio The road to physical fitness and wellness can often be overwhelming, but there is no greater place to begin than starting a cardio exercise routine.