After months of speculation about his weight loss and overall health, Bishop Eddie Long passed away.

Happy Black History Month everyone! This is the time when we should be celebrating our heritage, our pride, our people, however, there’s been quite a few hang-your-head-in-shame moments already and Black History Month is just kicking off. Here’s five recent moments that may as well have set us back. 1. King Me Where does one […]

The Eddie Long debacle seems to get odder and odder by the minute. Wife, Vanessa Long waited months to file for divorce from Long whom allegedly molested several church-boys. After announcing the divorce, Vanessa changed her mind…then changed her mind again! Visit Eddie Long’s church in Georgia Her lawyers released this statement: “Mrs. Long continues […]

Religious folks and followers of Bishop Long, please forgive me for my candor but I am inclined to believe that Bishop Eddie Long did indeed have a sexual relationship of sorts with the various young men in question.I am leaning towards believing their accounts because of one simple reason. The Bishop has to yet to […]