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Our favorite Democratic strategist and cable news pundit is back at it again, this time channeling her inner Beyoncé to get the job done.

On Tuesday night, Angela Rye joined a panel on CNN Tonight with Don Lemon, including former Donald Trump staffer and CNN pundit Corey Lewandowski, to discuss a range of issues including President Barack Obama‘s recent comments about the GOP presidential candidate, deeming him “unfit” to run this nation.

All was well until Lewandowski said the POTUS shouldn’t be blasting Trump while he is supposed to be running the country — a notion that makes absolutely no sense. Last time we checked, POTUS can do both at the same time and do them very well. 

Soon after, Rye reminded Lewandowski that it was the reality-star-turned-politician who ushered in the Birther movement which stupidly questioned Obama’s citizenship, and he also accused the POTUS of being an affirmative action admittance to Harvard (as if there is anything wrong with benefiting from affirmative action). Therefore, President Obama has the right to criticize Trump as he pleases, Rye noted. 

Lewandowski, not one to back down, really tried it by ridiculously insinuating that Obama may not be an American citizen, asking, “Did [President Obama] ever release his transcripts from Harvard?”

Without skipping a beat, Rye snapped back wondering why Trump has yet to release his tax returns to the public.

“By the way, tell me about those tax returns while you’re at it,” she said. 

Lewandowski continued and Rye found herself having to quote one of Lemonade’s best songs to address the malarkey coming out of Lewandowski’s mouth. 

“Corey? Just a moment. I’m going to Beyoncé you. Boy, bye. You just so out of line right now, tell your candidate to release his tax returns,” she said. 

This isn’t the first time Rye has had a heated debate with a Trump supporter. Last week, during the second night of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Rye became a national treasure when she massively rolled her eyes at conservative commentator Kayleigh McEnany who tried to rattle off all the great things Trump has done in his life.

But seriously: Can CNN have Rye on every night? Thanks in advance.

VIDEO CREDIT: YouTube | PHOTO CREDIT: NewsOne, Twitter


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